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Twitter Ban: Trump says Nigeria has done the right thing



Trump says Nigeria has done the right thing

Twitter Ban: Trump says Nigeria has done the right thing



Donald Trump, Former United States President and a twitter-disenfranchised fellow has reacted to the suspension of Twitter in Nigeria saying the federal government has done the right thing.

Trump commended the country for the action, asking more countries to do the same and ban Twitter and Facebook for not allowing free and open speech.

This was contained in a statement issued on Tuesday night, June 8, by the former president who expressed regrets for not taking action against Twitter while he was president.

Trump: “Congratulations to the country of Nigeria, who just banned Twitter because they banned their president.

“More COUNTRIES should ban Twitter and Facebook for not allowing free and open speech – all voices should be heard.

In the meantime, competitors will emerge and take hold. Who are they to dictate good and evil if they themselves are evil?

Perhaps, I should have done it while I was President. But Zuckerberg kept calling me and coming to the White House for dinner telling me how great I was,” he said.

Trump, who had over 60 million followers before his suspension, said banning Twitter and Facebook would bring about competition in the social networking sites.

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