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African ICT Foundation signs MoU with partners to deliver digital benefits for Africans



African ICT Foundation

 The African ICT Foundation, (AfICTF) a non-governmental organization championing digital inclusion across the African continent and the Observatory for Digital Communication OCCAM, affiliated to ECOSOC, United Nations, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore the benefits of Digital Communication.

According to the MoU, both organizations will explore the benefits of digital communication especially E-learning and ICT Platform for global development, research, granting education to young people, technological innovation, and its applications to expand the benefits of new technologies to disadvantaged communities.

The MoU was signed by both organizations after careful consideration of the importance of Digital Communication and new technologies in inducing sustainable global development, research, granting education to young people, technological innovation, and its applications to reach the 2030 UN Agenda, expand the benefits of new technologies to all and reach a fairer and more inclusive digital Society.

Specifically, the MoU will help to facilitate the exchange of digital innovation, researchers, and experts for conducting research or exchange ideas while also providing for ICT professionals, researchers, and experts to participate in conferences, symposia, and international meetings of both organizations.

The MoU is also going to open up opportunities for collaboration for the AfICTF and OCCAM in holding joint conferences, research, technical and audio-visual projects as well as participation in European and African Union projects or other international funded projects for promoting digital communication, e-learning and ICT technologies for telemedicine.

Commenting on the MoU, the President of the AfICTF, Mr. Tony Ojobo said that the partnership will boost the foundation’s quest to deepen internet penetration across the continent saying that it will help to actualize its mandate of affordable and reachable ICT and broadband internet for Africans everywhere.

He also stated that the MoU will further help the Foundation to fulfill its mandate formulating, evaluating, and promoting ICT and telecommunication policies which are aimed primarily at creating job opportunities, accelerating innovation, and boosting productivity and the progress of African economy.

Commenting on the MOU, Arch. Saporito President of OCCAM, said that a collaboration between our two organization could improve the paradigm shift towards a fairer and more inclusive digital Society. We live in a period of Transition. Transition has become the keyword of the global agenda. Understanding where this digital transition will head us to is crucial. Only a collaboration and a shared interpretation could lead us to a more equal and participative digital habitat

In addition, this collaboration will empower the Observatory’s action in the African Continent and will strengthen the already existing partnership between Europe and Africa.

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