
World Federation of Exchanges honours NSE’s director



World Federation of Exchanges honours NSE’s director



The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), the global industry group for exchanges and Central Counterparty Clearing Houses (CCPs), has recognized Ms. Tinuade Awe, the executive director of regulation for the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), in its inaugural annual Women Leaders List.

Her story was published in the March 2021 edition of The WFE’s Focus Magazine accessible via:​

The WFE’s Women Leaders initiative aims to shine the spotlight on some of the talented and gifted women in our industry.

Ms. Tinuade Awe

The industry initiative drew almost 60 nominations from every corner of the world as the WFE’s global membership put forward their talented existing, and future, leaders.

From the total pool of nominations, 21 women were awarded a place on the list in a very competitive process run by 9 distinguished judges.

Nandini Sukumar, chief executive officer of the WFE said: “This year, the list reads as the stories of many of our leaders who are on the frontline of the market infrastructure’s response to the pandemic.

“The challenges of the past year have been extraordinary, but their determination to keep the system robust and resilient, while ensuring the safety of their staff should make us all believe again in the power and potential of regulated, public markets as we collectively seek to form the world that will emerge from the lessons of this crisis.”

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