
Negative Price Movements Cost Unquoted Stock Investors N10.22 Billion



Weekly Trading activities in the unquoted stock market, the NASD OTC Securities Exchange, led to N10.22 billion loss for investors in the market following negative movements in prices.

Consequently, the NASD OTC Market capitalization closed at ₦950.66 Billion compared to ₦960.88 Billion on Friday, October 21, 2022, due to negative sentiment.

Similarly, benchmark Index closed the week 43 with a negative movement on the NSI. The NSI return decreased by 1.06% to close the week at 722.16 points against 729.92 on Friday, October 21, 2022.

There was a 67.22% decrease in the total value traded during the week, as week 43 saw NASD Investors trade a total of ₦41,932,263.68 in value compared to ₦127,902,975.00 in the previous week. Total trade activity for the year is valued at ₦ 27,200,217,367.54.

The total volume traded during the week was 1,055,228 units compared to 1,338,188 units in the previous week leading to a 21.15% decrease in trade volume compared to week 42. The total volume traded for the year is 3,485,793,219 units.

Top Traded Securities by Volume

The week closed with Friesland Campina Wamco Nigeria Plc ranking top among the five most traded securities by volume and Niger Delta Exploration & Production Plc as the fifth most traded stock by volume traded in the week.

Top Traded Securities by Values

The week closed with Friesland Campina Wamco Nigeria Plc ranking top among the five most traded securities by value and 11Plc stood as the fifth most traded Security by value for the week.

Year-to-Date Overview

NASD OTC Securities Exchange Market closed on a Negative note YTD as the market recorded a decrease in performance. NASD Security Index Year-to-date returns decreased by 2.79%. Total volume traded Year-to-Date stands at 3,485,793,219 units in 2,309 deals and the total Value traded is ₦27,200,217,367.54.

Top Decliners for the Year

Friesland Campina Wamco Nigeria Plc, which currently holds a Market Capitalization of ₦68.34 Billion closed the week at ₦70.00 representing a 6.67 percent decrease from the previous close of ₦75.00.

Central Securities Clearing System Plc, which currently holds a Market Capitalization of ₦69.50 Billion closed the week at ₦13.90 representing a 0.64 percent decrease from the previous close of ₦13.99.

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